Slap the Monster on Page One
Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina
Dajte pošast na naslovnico
A populist tabloid newspaper tries to derail the official police investigation of a brutal murder in order to help the right-wing candidates in the upcoming elections.

1972, Milan. We are just a few days before the general elections. The daughter of a well-known professor is found dead. Mr Bizanti, editor-in-chief of newspaper "Il Giornale", assigns the junior reporter Roveda and the senior contributor Lauri to cover the story. At one point, some elements in the investigation point to a young left-wing student, who becomes a scapegoat for the newspaper's readership. The paper derails the investigation, leading the police to a false culprit. But young Roveda doesn't surrender and continues to search for the truth.

"A dark socio-political melodrama by the imaginative Marco Bellocchio, who constructs an absurd, but undoubtedly gripping, tale between crime and detective story." (Massimo Bertarelli, Il Giornale)
Directed by: Marco Bellocchio
Country, year: Italy, France, 1972
Length: 86
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: Italian

Screening in cinema:

Tue, 14.11.2023 17:10 Slovenian Cinematheque Buy
Sat, 18.11.2023 19:15 Slovenian Cinematheque Buy

VOD service:

Please note that this film is not available as VOD service.
Sergio Donati
Luigi Kuveiller, Erico Menczer
Nicola Piovani
Gian Maria Volonté (Giancarlo Bizanti), Fabio Garriba (Roveda), Carla Tato (Bizantijeva žena), Jacques Herlin (Lauri), John Steiner (inženir Montelli), Michel Bardinet (novinar Vanzina), Jean Rougeul (direktor časopisne hiše Il Giornale), Corrado Solari (Mario Boni), Laura Betti (Rita Zigai)
Jupiter Generale Cinematografica & UTI Produzioni Associate & Labrador Films
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About director
Born in 1939 in Piacenza, Italy. He studied film direction in Rome and London. He embarked on his professional career in the 1960s as a documentary and short film director. He garnered international acclaim already with his debut feature, Fist in His Pocket, and subsequently won several prestigious awards. With a cinematic output of over twenty movies, Bellochio ranks among the most prolific filmmakers of his generation.
1965 I pugni in tasca (Fist in His Pocket/Pesti v žepu)
1967 La Cina e vicina (China Is Near/Kitajska je blizu)
1972 Nel nome di padre (V imenu očeta)
1972 Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina (Slap the Monster on Page One/Dajte pošast na naslovnico)
1994 Il sogno della farfalla (The Butterfly's Dream/Metuljev sen)
2003 Buongiorno, notte (Good Morning, Night/Dobro jutro, noč)
2012 La bella addormentata (Dormant Beauty/Speča lepotica)
2019 Il traditore (The Traitor/Izdajalec)