Salvatore Giuliano
Salvatore Giuliano
Salvatore Giuliano
Neither an "objective" journalistic documentary nor a fictional recreation, Rosi's groundbreaking film about the social and political forces that shaped Sicily employs a wide range of disparate formal and stylistic elements in a quest for the ultimate truth.

July 5, 1950-Sicilian bandit Salvatore Giuliano's bullet-riddled corpse is found facedown in a courtyard in Castelvetrano. Local and international press descend upon the scene, hoping to crack open the true story behind the death of this young man, who, at the age of twenty-seven, had already become Italy's most wanted criminal and celebrated hero. Filming in the exact locations and enlisting a cast of native Sicilians, director Rosi harnessed the facts and myths surrounding the true story of the bandit's death to create a startling exposé of Sicily and the tangled relations between its citizens, the Mafia, and government officials.

"Searching for the truth with a film does not mean wanting to discover the perpetrators of a crime, that is up to the judges and policemen, who sometimes do it at the cost of their lives and our grateful thought goes to them. Searching for the truth with a film means connecting origins and causes of narrated events with the effects that are the result." (Francesco Rosi)
Directed by: Francesco Rosi
Country, year: Italy, 1962
Length: 123
Subtitles: English,Slovenian
Language: Italian

Screening in cinema:

Wed, 8.11.2023 16:30 Slovenian Cinematheque Buy
Sat, 11.11.2023 18:15 Slovenian Cinematheque Buy

VOD service:

Please note that this film is not available as VOD service.
Francesco Rosi, Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Enzo Provenzale, Franco Solinas
Gianni Di Venanzo
Piero Piccioni
Salvo Randone (predsednik porotnega sodišča v Viterbu), Frank Wolff (Gaspare Pisciotta), Frederico Zardi (Pisciottin zagovornik), Sennuccio Benelli (poročevalec), Giuseppe Calandra (uradnik), Max Cartier (Francesco), Fernando Cicero (bandit), Bruno Ukmar vohun), Cosimo Torino (Frank Mannino)
Lux Film & Vides Cinematografica & Galatea Film
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About director
Born in Naples in 1922, Rosi studied law and entered the film industry as an assistant to Luchino Visconti. He then wrote several screenplays and made his directorial debut in 1958 with The Challenge. Rosi's films, especially those of the 1960s and 1970s, often provided political commentary on the rampant corruption in post-war Italy. The topics of his later films became more angled toward literature. He received several awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Berlin International Film Festival and the Venice Biennale. Francesco Rosi died in 2015.
1958 La sfida (The Challenge)
1962 Salvatore Giuliano
1963 Le mani sulla citta (Hands over the City/Roke nad mestom)
1965 Il momento della verita (The Moment of Truth)
1970 Uomini contro (Many Wars Ago/Ljudje proti)
1972 Il caso Mattei (The Mattei Affair/Zadeva Mattei)
1976 Cadaveri eccellenti (Illustrious Corpses/Odlična trupla)
1979 Cristo si e fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli/Kristus se je ustavil v Eboliju)
1997 La tregua (The Truce)