A sensory cinematic experience capturing the intercorporeal journey of a soul through the afterlife, from Laos to Zanzibar. In a transcendent sequence, the audience is asked to close their eyes and surrender to a soundscape accompanied by bursts of colour still visible through closed eyelids.

In Laos, young men live in Buddhist temples located amid spectacular, untamed natural wilderness. One of the boys regularly reads The Tibetan Book of the Dead to a dying old woman. She embraces the text as preparation for her reincarnation. Her soul is about to take flight-and with it the film itself, on the wings of sound and light. Pati?o seeks to physicalise and cinematically manifest spirituality, the cycle of birth, death and reincarnation, daring to use cinema to evoke worlds outside the bounds of photographable images.

"With Samsara I doubled down on my commitment to the cinema that interests me, as a meditative and contemplative experience. In the middle of the film it becomes a collective meditation experience. Intimate and introspective, with the viewer closing their eyes for 15 minutes, listening to sounds. This can be powerful in a room full of people. /.../ Like all my films, the project came out of a formal exploration of the language of film. /.../ I wanted to explore the invisible. That's when I thought about the possibility of making a film to watch with your eyes closed. I came across The Tibetan Book of the Dead and found it to be the perfect text to link to this eye-closing cinema experience." (Lois Patino)
Directed by: Lois Patino
Country, year: Spain, 2023
Length: 113
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: Swahili , Lao

Screening in cinema:

Mon, 13.11.2023 15:00 Kosovel Hall Buy
Wed, 15.11.2023 16:00 Kinodvor Cinema Buy
Fri, 17.11.2023 20:45 Slovenian Cinematheque Buy

VOD service:

Please note that this film is not available as VOD service.
Lois Patino, Garbine Ortega
Mauro Herce, Jessica Sarah Rinland
Amid Keomany (Amid), Toumor Xiong (Be Ann), Simone Milavanh (Mon), Mariam Vuaa Mtego (Mariam), Juwairiya Idrisa Uwesu (Juwairiya)
Senor y Senora - Sr&Sra Producciones
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Bendita Film Sales
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About director
Born in 1983 in Vigo, Spain, Patino studied film and psychology at Madrid's Centro Universitario de Artes and at the New York Film Academy and Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His films screened at major film festivals, and his artworks were exhibited in art centres around the world.
2012 Montana en sombra (Mountain in Shadow)
2013 Costa da Morte (Coast of Death)
2015 Noite sem distância (Night Without Distance)
2020 Lúa vermella (Red Moon Tide)
2023 Samsara