Roter Himmel
Rdeče nebo
The second part of Christian Petzold's trilogy, begun with fantasy drama Undine, is a complex look at a summer seaside holiday that takes an unexpected turn. The emotions run high as a literature student, a photography student, a mysterious young woman and a lifeguard witness the powerful force of nature.

Leon and Felix's plan was to spend the summer together in a holiday home on the Baltic coast. They wanted to be there as friends but also to work - one on his second book, the other assembling his art portfolio. But Nadja and Devid are also there, and they bring lots of positive vibes with them. Four young people start experimenting with love, even though this does not come easy to Leon. His unfinished manuscript haunts him wherever he goes. As the forest begins to blaze, this relationship-drama laden with unspoken secrets, youthful impetuousness and jealousy takes a turn in a new direction.

"At the core Leon is a dreamer who can't admit to himself that he should be dreaming. And thus he simulates an almost Protestant work ethic: "I have to work now." The book ends up with the cramped tension of Protestantism. He must learn to dream his dreams in writing. To truly see the world, you must move through it in a somnambulant state. Cinema itself is a somnambulant affair. The cinemagoer is himself a somnambulant, because he is physically present but also absent. He doesn't have a body." (Christian Petzold)

Directed by: Christian Petzold
Country, year: Germany, 2023
Length: 102
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: German

Screening in cinema:

Thu, 9.11.2023 18:50 AGRFT Hall Buy
Sun, 12.11.2023 21:30 Linhart Hall Buy
Mon, 13.11.2023 21:00 AGRFT Hall Buy
Thu, 16.11.2023 17:10 Kosovel Hall Buy

VOD service:

Please note that this film is not available as VOD service.
Thomas Schubert (Leon), Paula Beer (Nadja), Langston Uibel (Felix), Enno Trebs (Devid), Matthias Brandt (Helmut)
Schramm Film Koerner Weber Kaiser
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The Match Factory
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About director
Born in Hilden in 1960. He first studied German language and literature as well as drama, followed by studies at the Film and Television Academy in Berlin, during which time he was assistant director to Harun Farocki. He started out in his own right directing award-winning TV films, and made his first feature film, The State I Am In, in 2001. Ghosts and Yella solidified his repute as one of the most prominent young German filmmakers.
2000 Die innere Sicherheit (The State I Am In/Notranji mir)
2005 Gespenster (Ghosts)
2006 Yella
2008 Jerichow
2012 Barbara
2014 Phoenix
2018 Transit (Tranzit)
2020 Undine
2023 Roter Himmel (Afire/Rdeče nebo)